Fleas are tiny, the adults only manage to grow between 1-5mm in length. What they lack in size they more than make up for in shear irritation and annoyance. The most common time of the year to get flea infestations is over the summer months, houses getting closed up due to the occupants going away and nice warm humid weather is the perfect breeding ground for fleas.
In New Zealand we have a proud history of DIY and a need to give it a go ourselves, but if you suspect you have fleas in your home please give a qualified pest technician a call. Often people will spend large sums on flea bombs etc for them to work for a short period of time until the next batch of eggs hatch and your back to square one. Please take a look at this list from the PMANZ website which displays registered technicians from across NZ.
Fleas require chemical and sometimes gaseous treatments depending on the severity. The chemical will also be mixed with a growth regulator which will stop eggs from hatching, stop larvae from pupating to and sometimes make the adult sterile.
Environmental treatment in terms of prevention is making sure you pets are flea’d, regular vacuuming and make sure to open windows and doors daily over summertime.