Pest Control Specialists Limited

Birds – Pest Control Specialists Limited


The two most notable pest birds in New Zealand are Pigeons and Starlings. These birds have earned their reputation as major pests due to their ability to cause both health concerns and structural damage. Both of these birds cause unsightly and unhygenic conditions with their droppings that can damage the exterior of structures, the droppings also pose health risks as they can be vectors which humans can contract disease from these include:

Myna on a fence post
  • Histoplasmosis
  • Cryptococcosis
  • Ornithosis
  • Salmonellosis
  • Psittacosis
  • E.coli
  • Candidlasis
Sparrow on a fence post

Bird proofing

Welcome Swallow resting on fence.
Pigeon feeding on grain


Bird control is an integrated pest management operation. A combination of strategies is usually required to achieve an outcome where the bird population can be managed to a normal level. However, it is sometimes necessary to eradicate or control a population by shooting, narcotising and trapping this approach is normally taken where other methods such as discouraging/altering bird behaviour cannot be carried out.